
Tuesday, August 30

August 22nd results: Clean!

Okay. So I have much to report to you. My MRI/checkup on August 22nd went very well. Everything came back clean and stable and there was nothing of interest to tell me about it. It was great, more of a social call than anything else. What is kind of disturbing me is that I was halfway expecting it. This is not good because I know that there will be one sunny day when those expectations will end up crumbling to the ground as a result of the earth shattering news that, in fact, he's back, and he's in better shape than ever before. I need to be thankful every single time I get news like this, but I'm slowly expecting it. I just need to work my way out of that.

I've read articles where 5, 6 years later, the tumor returns. That could very easily be me. How does a patient handle the news all over again? I don't know. I know that Doctors desperately detest giving it. I really don't want that day to ever appear my future.

In more positive news, the semester at Temple has started, and I think I have a good class. There are some talkers and trouble makers in there, so I think it'll be everything that I want in a good class. It's good because I'm anxious, but not overly anxious about teaching. I have a firm place to start which is really all I ask for. Not drowning in my own fear of public speaking anymore. It was actually kind of natural. 

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