
Sunday, August 30

A word about this conundrum

Hi guys. I'm doing well, I promise. Though none of you would probably know it right now. I've been feeling rather self-absorbed of late and have had absolutely no mind to really hang with anyone. That being said, I do miss seeing and hearing from all of you, but I'm simply rather content to focus on myself right now. That's all.

This whole brain cancer scenario just doesn't seem to carry the hope of life-exercisation like I'd hoped, so I'm a bit on the depressed side right now. It's not that I'm horribly depressed just a bit bummed out. Hopefully this whole train of thought will fade into the distance in the next couple of weeks.

I've kind of been stuck in between which way to take things of late. Go with one more alt method, or stick with the no-cure hospital approach? It's a tough decision to make, but I'm supposed to make it soon. Really I should have already made my decision. Everything has to happen so fast in this game, and I'm not very good at thinking and acting quickly. Oh well. No time like the present, eh?