
Wednesday, November 14

North Carolinians may actually be the nicest people in the continental US

It's true. We had people opening doors for us, and talking to us like our friendship went back years, and just generally smiling all the time. It made us realize that metro Atlanta's not really as southern as one might think. Sure, the city's got it's fair share of southern gentry, but North Carolina, unlike Atlanta, has never had any great northern draw (maybe outside of Charlotte). 

Anyway, I just got back from Duke which involved both my latest MRI and new consultation with my new doc whom I just met and whom my family and I had a great conversation with. Okay so here's the news since I know for a fact that all of my readers are so genuinely concerned with my well-being. Nothing is growing anymore (phew!), but also not much has changed from the last MRI in August. Now, this can be interpreted either positively or negatively, but due to the fact that they haven;t really seen the totality of my previous MRIs, I could actually have quite a bit of improvement from August. The problem is that they can't see my contrasted images, and since these are the ones that really let you know where the dead-center of cancerdom sits. They can't really say how much better it is, but they can say that it's no worse.

Being that you guys are the fifth person I've told about this and being that I'm still not quite sure about it, but I think that my dizziness has taken a step back from where it used to reside. I'm not entirely sure yet, but I think that, though I am still dizzy, I don't think that I'm quite as dizzy as I was before.

So as of right now things are improving for me. I have more energy, and I'm less dizzy. Kinda nice for once. Hopefully, this will all continue until I get back to where I was before.