
Sunday, July 4

4th of July in Philly and weddings galore!

So I'm spending my 4th of July up in Philly mainly for Jay's (the other Cloud Minder guitarist) wedding. It was superb. Although on a side note, I did accidentally kind of miss the actual wedding...oops. You see there was an a-hole of a foreign driver that I couldn't even understand over his complaints the whole drive. He doesn't know where we're going, and I'm trying to find the place, but this guy won't shut his yapper for the fifteen minute drive that was ahead of us (it actually turned into a longer drive as his complaining got us lost). Needless to say, this guy was a jerk. I got so tired of listening to his complaining that, after his requested tip of 6, 7 or 10 bucks I gave $8. I couldn't handle his whining anymore. Oh and I wasn't even there yet. I still had to walk to get there. Jerk.

The wedding was fantastic though. It was small only about 50 folks at a wonderful house called Appleford out amidst the beauty of Lower Merion twp. After the wedding, I got there and super hydrated myself (I was mighty thirsty after walking as far as I did.) It meant quite a bit to Jay that I was there, so I'm glad that I went. I'm going to include a picture just because that's what I do.

By the way, this picture sums up the beauty of where I was (it actually doesn't at all. It was just one of the few shots of the grounds that actually turned out from my camera that needs a serious menu reset.)