
Monday, March 23

Bad News from the Land of Goliath

Well that wasn't what I wanted to hear.

I just got off the phone with Raven, and apparetnly Goliath was officially dignosed as a mixed Glioma stage 3. Stages 1-2 are considered low grade and stages 3-4 are considered high grade. So Goliath (or at least a small portion of him) was a bit more aggressive than we were hoping he would be.

So that means that they're recommending Chemotherapy and Radiation, and if I'm to start this protocol, it would begin in the next two weeks roughly. If I do pursue this course of action, I don't know where I'd stay either. If I stay in Atlanta, I'm near my family, but I leave myself subject to all kinds of infections that my totally compromised immune system will have no chance to combat. I don't know if I'd be able to handle Philly in that state either. It's too early to say, I guess. I'll have to wait until after I meet with both of my new oncologists (Yay!).

Obviously, the picture's still a bit fuzzy at the moment. I sent an email to the resident Doc at Hippocrates to get the alternative perspective on my diagnoses. Hopefully, I'll hear back soon, but you never know with busy people...

And so the saga continues. I may not be battling Goliath anymore, but I guess you could kind of say I'm battling myself at this point. This isn't the news I was hoping for, and I'm really bummed out about it at the moment. I'm not looking forward to 6 weeks or 6 months of lethargy, body aches and nausea not to mention sporting the 'cancer patient' look. You know what I mean. The thin, wiry frame topped by a bald, shiny head. Like an escaped abductee from an alien probing experiment gone wrong, I'll be almost unrecognizable as a healthy human being. In fact, I'll look more like an alien. Great just great. I'm REALLY looking forward to this.


  1. They don't call you Gorgeous Dave simply because of your hair (though I'm sure it didn't hurt). You'll just be Gorgeous Bald Dave now. Stay up man. Good energy and intention makes all the difference. We're with you man.

  2. But think of all the classic escaped-abductee-from-an-alien-probing-experiment-gone-wrong pranks you can pull! Thanks for keeping us all updated on everything, and yea. We're all with you.

  3. Dave, you are always in our thoughts...I am sorry there has been a slight change of much hoped for plans but, Goliath did a number on you and now you have to keep his wrath at bay. I agree with Goatprincess, think of all the amazing pranks you can pull! Oh mind is churning....Where ever you decide to go, Evan and I will come visit and bring you fun little games and make you chuckle. Keep your brains happy. Try not to let it make you stagnate. You will be fine. I know it.

  4. You need a rip-roaring good time...when can everyone whisk you away from the badnews of it all and take you out for some real fun? We're here for ya in any way shape or form. Carry on with your rockin' mojo and kick that ghostly goliath's ass man.

  5. Nows a good time to do something fun with temporary tattoos....freak people out...hehe
