
Tuesday, April 28

Top 10 Psuedo-Horror Flicks of the '80s

So I've been spending my days of late thinking hard about what the most memorable (somewhat scary but usually just plain silly) '80s pseudo-horror films are. I'm quite happy with this list at the moment. If you have any comments, suggestions, or uncalled for criticisms of me on a personal level, then please, leave me a stabbing remark.

1) Gremlins (1984)
I always wanted a little Mogwai of my own (sans Gremlin potential, of course). I always thought that whole no-water-after-midnight bit sided towards the absurd as well. I mean how could you not give those cuddly little creatures a reprieve from their thirst. Oh my god! I just blew my own mind.

2) The Blob (1988)
A classic of it's genre, I think the original was from the 50's, but the 80's remake successfully captures all the fantastic stereotypes of the decade that we all grew up loving and hating. You know, besides the flashy fashion and high-strung hairdos, I do miss shoes that require pumping. What a great idea.

3) Evil Dead 2: Dead Till Dawn (1987)
This cinematic masterpiece solidified a love of silly horror movies for me. I've never had the patience or the stomach for serious ones, but when the director and actors aren't taking their own film seriously, hilarity ensues.

4) The Lost Boys (1987)
What are the two greatest things ever to occur in the history of existence? Kiefer Sutherland and vampires. Need I say anymore?

5) The Fog (1980)
This one's actually successful at being a little bit scary. Creepy fog and expired pirates from the past. I'm in.

6) *Batteries Not Included (1987)
What if all your coolest toys suddenly came to life?

7) An American Werewolf in London (1981)
This is actually a really good film. Two American tourists travel through the UK and one gets bitten by a werewolf in a desolate part of Scotland and goes on to terrorize the residents of the Isles. Film making genius!

8) Critters (1986)
This movie scared the crap out of me as a kid. I don't think I ever actually finished it, but it's from the 80's and the cheese-factor is through the roof. All I remember is some guy having a critter burrowing out of his stomach. Yeck! Hmmm...maybe I should watch it again.

9) The 'Burbs (1989)
Tom Hanks discovers that his odd reclusive neighbors are actually murdering people in the night. Like most influential 80's films, it stars one of the Corys.

10) They Live! (1988)
Three words: Rowdy Roddy Piper. This has to be the worst film of all time. It contains like 20 minutes of story line and one hour long fight scene. It does include a washed up wrestling star and poorly (i.e. cheaply i.e. NOT at all) disguised aliens, though.


  1. I am ashamed to admit this, but I have never seen The Lost Boys. and I love me some vampires. I need to remedy this immediately. Also, Gremlins scared the CRAP out of me.

  2. good lord carrie. you've really let me down today. the only way to remedy this is to instantaneously drop everything you're doing and go rent/netflix it. i'd prefer you go rent it, that way the absolute satisfaction of seeing a strapping kiefer sutherland as vampire would be more immediate. whichever you prefer though.

  3. Twilight anyone? It's the make-up and intense staring... The books are so fabulous...the movie sucks. Right up the pseudo horror movie alley. Hey if Burbs can be in there then so can this. But love LOVE the books.

  4. ok so mogwai cant get wet anytime & they cant EAT after midnight. Batteries not included is one of my favorite movies ever & I have to saw WOW to you - I was pretty sure I was the only person ever to see They Live

