
Saturday, May 16

The headlights of the mac truck in front of me...

In continuation of the previous rant that I was aimlessly meandering up to, I've been thinking of just leaving this whole brain tumor mess as it stands for now. I'll probably head back to Philly to finish out my lease through the next few months and then figure things out from there. I may head back toward the Atlanta area or I may just move outside the city for a year until I feel like things are truly wrapped up. I don't know, though. I can't seem to commit to anything right now, and I certainly can't seem to make up my mind about anything; that would require knowing what I want in the future, and I cannot seem to see anything clearly on other side of this foggy mess right now.

It would seem like my ideas for my life and future plans have to either take a backseat vacation or take an interminable interlude in a back-alley dumpster. I can't necessarily plan on living a long life like I did before. Now I know there are those of you out there saying, "Oh for shame, that's such a depressing thought." Let me explain, though. What I actually mean is that I can't put things off until the ever indistinct 'one day' of my future--there may simply be no time for that anymore. Things that I've always wanted to do--such as living in a simple cabin far removed from the dregs of society and taking a road-trip out west--need to be actualized in my present situation. I have to start taking action now if I'm ever going to get to see and do some of the things that I've been putting off since I was a young lad.


  1. Do what you've gotta do man. There's no protocol. Trip out West TO a log cabin... now you're talking.

  2. log cabin + road trip sounds pretty awesome. I think you've got the right idea - do the things you want to do and do them now. that seems like a good plan for life in general, anyways - I wish I could do more of that sometimes.

  3. i have a place for you to crash in eugene/seattle on that rode trip. Ill even make a craft-paper log cabin interior if need be. love.

  4. I have a friend u can stay with in Portland, Or! John is squirting cheeze whiz onto Ritz crackers and has had an epiphany. The cheese whiz, when squirted goes all different directions but does stay on the cracker cuz it's still under his control because he chose the path the cheese went. Goliath is still under your control. BUT you've been in school, like all your life. HOw much of life have you seen? Write about ur experience on the road and meet weird people and take cool pictures and blog often and share alot. Come boating. I'm into kayaking now. Cya on the road or the river!
    Yup, ur log cabin sounds pretty cool.

  5. dave, do what you need to do and remember that you always have the support of your friends and your family.
    do the things you want to do and be happy. that's all it's about. some people learn the hard way or never get an opportunity to change or, my friend, are already on your way.
