
Wednesday, May 27 first follow up MRI

Well the time has come to test my wits, bite the bullet and see what's been going on for the last few months in this noggin of mine. I have my first MRI since the day after my surgery coming up next Wednesday. I'm won't say that I'm not afraid; sometimes I think I feel twinges of a headache or a little dizziness and I think to myself, "Oh that's it, it's growing. Everything I've done so far has failed." This is what I have to live with for the rest of my life. Not a fun prospect but one that I'll have to figure out how to deal with nonetheless.

Anyway, as long as this next MRI comes out clean (and we all hope it will), I'll be heading back to Philly for the Summer and the remainder of my lease. I don't know what'll be happening after that. Things seem to be constantly changing, and I can't seem to make up my mind about anything. Oh well, there'll be plenty of time for that. Keep your fingers crossed/pray for me/keep me in your thoughts on Wednesday...


  1. I'll be thinking about you, Dave! Hope it all goes well!

  2. i have already sent your brain a message and it went something like this:
    we are thinking of you...and i will pray to the mri machine and to tom cruise that everything will be fine.

  3. oi, I'm leaving for Montreal on June 29th, so if you're back in Philly before then, be sure to call so we can hang once or twice before I go.

    Much love.

  4. Here's to Goliath-free Thursday late afternoons stuck in traffic, cursing the civil engineers and spilling coffee on someone's 37 page dossiere. ...and to running out of gas on route 66 and cranking the amps and drippy Big Macs and the smell of worms on a rainy morning...Here's to YOU for looking cancer in the eye, grabbing it by the balls and saying fu

  5. thanks diana. those are the little things that you really appreciate when you go through all this ridiculousness. goliath-free thursdays--i like that.
