
Monday, March 2

More delightfulness in the snowy City of Charm

Yes. Today was a good day. I had some trouble last night coming down from the Dex. 16mg to 8mg requires quite a leap of faith, if you will (and I'm sure you will). It's a nasty drug, and I'd like to be off of it as soon as possible. The number of side-effects and complications that this drug causes make my head-spin (literally sometimes), so that's all I'd like right now. No more Dex, please. Oh yeah, that and my old clear way of seeing the world, and everyone's shiny happy faces. That would be very nice, thank you.

My room mate Dan and my work mate Adam came down to see me today. We went to Panera with my parents, who generously donated our lunches to us. We had a good ol' time sittin' around talkin' bout nothin'. Seriously though, they're really good guys, and we may go record store/cool museum huntin' next Monday. That would be fun.

I'm looking forward to getting back to a more traditional type of existence. That means one in which I work for my money, and I, yes I, pay my bills. Actually... I do that now, but my Dad has payed my rent for the last couple months and considering the amount of money that has been spent on this little conundrum, I'm sure that he'd like to get me back to self-sufficient as soon as possible. Not that he's in any hurry, but times aren't so good in this little country right now, are they?

So I digitally edited a pic I took of Baltimore earlier (I have nothing to do here, alright? Sitting around editing these pictures is seriously all I have in the world right now, well that and Cartoon Network). I thought that I'd leave you with that and a picture of my nasty wound, if you can stomach it. If you can't, that's just too damn bad. If you have any problems with it, you can come down to Baltimore, and we can take it outside in the snow. You wouldn't hit a guy who just had brain surgery, would you?

Pretty crazy, huh? It must've hurt like all get out, but I was nicely anesthetized the whole time. That's good. I can't handle that much pain; that and my face being peeled down. Have I grossed you out, yet?


  1. hey, evan and i want to come down on saturday night. evan has to work till 5 then we could come down and get there by 7:30 and chill. is that too late? oh and about your face getting pulled down, i'm not sure if that's awesome or gross...i haven't decided.

  2. That is one cool scar! My kids will be fascinated! Wait til I tell Cole you're a real warrior who just came back from battle, he's all into army guys. You'll be a hero to him. haha Hope you're not in a lot of pain! Amazing u went to yummy Panera so soon after that surgery. How is it? Different? Same?

  3. saturday works great, shannon. come on down. we'll go paint the town red!

    di it was delicious. my parents are obsessed with the place. i think they go there once a day. it is right down the street, though...

  4. That scar is so awesome. Being metal, I am incredibly jealous.

  5. yeah, limitless numbers of staples in the head tend to do that. i don't know why, though?

  6. what do you desire most? we will bring it to you (nothing illegal, man). also, if you need any raw vegan treats, there is an amazing natural food store around the corner from here and i can get you stuff.

  7. just bring your shining faces. but if you want to bring some vegan fruit-based treats, i wouldn't be oppposed. i love some fruit right now, it's so sweet and juicy. call me when you're on the road.
